Yeah. Auf Wiedersehen.
For God's sake, Phyllis,
we've got to find that idiot.
Her parents are arriving
Where could she be?
She doesn't know anybody
in Berlin except us.
Well, have Bertha look again.
Maybe she left a note.
What about her luggage?
I'm glad to hear
something is still there.
No, I'm not blaming you.
It's just that lousy
MacNamara luck.
First I lost a bottling plant...
and now I lose
the boss' daughter!
I think
we are getting someplace.
We found Fritz.
Fritz? To hell with Fritz!
It's the girl
we're looking for now.
He has some information.
Where is she?
I do not know, not precisely...
but last night, I dropped her
at the Brandenburg Gate.
Brandenburg Gate? Why?
That is where
I drop her every night...
and that is where I pick
her up every morning.
How long has this been going on?
Since last month, sir.
Usually, I get her
back to the house...
before you wake up,
but this morning...
I wait for her, and I wait.
You mean, you've been helping
her sneak out behind my back?
Yes, sir, but I have
a very good excuse.
She pays me
a hundred marks a night...
fifty for driving her,
fifty for not telling you.
Do I have your permission
to fire him?
Not yet!
Now, let's go step by step.
After you drop her
at the Brandenburg Gate...
what does she do?
She crosses the border
into East Berlin.
East Berlin?
That is why I am so worried...
because this morning,
she did not come back.
You're worried?
I'm going down in flames,
and he's worried.
Ingeborg, clear the switchboard.
I want
Brigadier General Hartel...
Commanding Officer
of the American sector.
Next, get me Mayor Willy Brandt.
Next, get me
the Police Commissioner...
of West Berlin.
Next, I want to speak
to the U.S. Ambassador in Bonn.
You got that? OK.
Fritz, you wait downstairs.
I may need you later.
Schlemmer, how can we find out
what happened to her?
Can we get any information
from East Berlin?
Only through official channels
in triplicate.
What if we just
picked up the phone...
and called the authorities
over there?
- It is not that easy.
- Why not?
There's no direct phone service
to East Berlin.
You have to call Stockholm.
From there it goes
through Warsaw...
to Leipzig,
then to East Berlin.
Nine times out of ten,
you get the wrong number.
- Try it anyway.
- Yes, sir.