On Sunday, August 13, 1961...
the eyes of Americawere on the nation's capital...
where Roger Maris was hittinghome runs number 44 and 45...
against the Senators.
On that same day,without any warning...
the East German Communistssealed off the border...
between East and West Berlin.
I only mention this...
to show the kind of peoplewe're dealing with...
real shifty.
Having been stationed in Berlinand having dealt with them...
I know what I'm talking about.
Let's go back to last June.
Considering the abnormalsituation of a divided city...
life in Berlinwas more or less normal.
Traffic flowed freelythrough the Brandenburg Gate...
and it wasn't reallytoo much trouble...
to pass from one sideof the Iron Curtain...
to the other.
Some of the East German policewere rude and suspicious.
Others were suspicious and rude.
The eastern sector,under Communist domination...
was still in rubble...
but the people went abouttheir daily business...