He is resting.
He has not been well
since the death.
I see. When may I see him?
Perhaps at supper...
...if you will do us the honor.
I will... supper.
May I visit my sister's
grave, now?
I presume there is one.
Not as such, Mister Barnard.
She is interred below.
A family custom,
Mr. Barnard.
I see.
If we may go there then?
Please follow me.
When did she die?
Your brother's letter made
no mention of the day.
About three months ago.
Three months? Why wasn't I
notified sooner?
I'm afraid I...
How did she die?
I know very little of the
details, Mr. Barnard.
This is no longer my home,
you see?
I left it several months before...
...Nicholas married
your sister.
Meaning you don't even...
Damn Heaven!
What's that noise?
Please follow me, Mr. Barnard.