When did she die?
Your brother's letter made
no mention of the day.
About three months ago.
Three months? Why wasn't I
notified sooner?
I'm afraid I...
How did she die?
I know very little of the
details, Mr. Barnard.
This is no longer my home,
you see?
I left it several months before...
...Nicholas married
your sister.
Meaning you don't even...
Damn Heaven!
What's that noise?
Please follow me, Mr. Barnard.
Not that way, Mr. Barnard!
Who are you?
This is Mr. Barnard, Nicholas.
Elizabeth's brother.
Oh, yes.
You are welcome, mister.
Resting, dona Medina?
I told Mr. Barnard
that you were resting, Nicholas.
I thought that you were.
That noise, sir.
This is an apparatus...
...that must be kept
in constant repair.
What brings you to us?
Elizabeth was my sister,
don Medina.
I received your report
of her untimely death...
...the report that was
utterly devoid of detail.
what should I have done,
remained in England?
Yes, you are quite right.
My apology, sir.
Shock and grief...
...restrained me from
more adequate communication.