Do you want me to be a hypocrite?
Who would've thought that one day
our kids would be, well, engaged sort of?
I'm mighty proud
of my son's choice, Frieda.
I'm mighty proud of your boy, too.
Excuse us, honey.
I'll see you at dinner tonight. Don't forget.
Dad, I'm no spy.
All I'm asking you to do is keep an eye
on her while I'm in New York.
She likes you, Son. She won't do
anything crazy when you're around.
Virginia, I told you, your father has
the key to that cabinet...
...and he's on the train to New York.
That's him all over. He keeps it locked.
He doesn't think
anybody should drink but him.
You may be shocking Glenn.
Virginia, after all,
we do have prohibition, you know.
Maybe Glenn doesn't approve of drinking.
Quick, Henry, the flit.
Has your family lived long in town?
They just moved here from Oklahoma.
Oh, I see.
Is your father engaged
in some business in town?
His father is looking for work
and Glenn works at the filling station...
...on the corner of Sycamore and Main.
Anything else you'd like to know?
Ginny, I see no reason at all
for your bad nature.
Bud, you're not eating a thing.
I'm bored!
Come on, let's go.
There's a lovely dessert coming.
I don't want a lovely dessert.
Glenn and I are going for a ride.
Come on.
Deanie and I'll go with you and Glenn.