What about music,
do you like it?
My sister sings very well.
She used to take lessons.
I've been to a lot of
very good recitals.
There are great singers
in Calcutta.
He can sing very well.
It would be a pleasure for him
to sing for you.
He has heard
the famous singers in Calcutta.
You think he will like my songs?
Who's the singer?
It's him.
Sometimes I organize recitals at my home.
He sings,
and he plays the violin.
You must come one evening.
You know,
I use the evenings
to study English.
I've just started reading
a novel by Walter Scott.
But why not?
My little Nanda,
why does it take you so long
to write us?
I hope you're getting accustomed
to your new job.
Take care.
You're not used to living on your own.
That makes me worry.
Do you have servants
or do you have to
take care of everything yourself?