First, you speak Greek and German.
Second, you've kept alive in occupied
territory for a year and a half.
And before the war, you were the
greatest mountain climber in the world.
'' Keith Mallory, the human fly.''
Come to the point, Roy.
The point is that our Resistance
contacts on Navarone...
...say there's only one spot on
the coast the Germans don't watch:
The South Cliff.
lt's 400 feet straight up...
...and it can't be climbed
by man or beast.
And that's where you come in.
That was your idea too?
That's right.
l want you to get me and my team
over there and on top of that cliff.
When you've done that, you can
take a richly deserved leave...
...and a long-overdue promotion.
l see.
Can you do it?
With all due respect,
l think the operation is insane.
But that's not my business.
My business is to climb
and l haven't climbed in five years.
That's a long time.
lt's too long for this cliff.
And you're asking me
to do it at night.
l wouldn't try it in broad daylight.
l'll have a go myself, then.
l've climbed a bit.
Don't be a fool. You'd get yourself
killed and your team along with you.
-Then it's scrubbed?
-No, it's not scrubbed!
lt can't be.
Not now.
...this is our last hope.
The Germans won't expect
a team of saboteurs at this late date.