Greece and the islandsof the Aegean Sea...
...have given birth to many mythsand legends of war and adventure.
And these once-proud stones,these ruined and shattered temples...
...bear witness to the civilizationthat flourished and then died here.
And of the demigods and heroeswho inspired those legends...
... on this sea and these islands.
But though the stage is the same,ours is a legend of our own times...
...and its heroes are not demigods,but ordinary people.
Ýn 1943, so the story goes...
... 2, 000 British soldiers laymarooned on the island of Kheros...
... exhausted and helpless.
They had exactly one week to live.
Ýn Berlin, the Axis had determined ona show of strength in the Aegean Sea...
... to bully neutral Turkey intocoming into the war on their side.
The scene of that demonstrationwas to be Kheros...
... itself of no military value,but only miles off the coast of Turkey.
The cream of the Germanwar machine, rested and ready...