Those 2,000 men on Kheros will
die next Wednesday morning...
...unless someone climbs the cliff.
There's nobody else
we can get in time.
lf there were,
you wouldn't be here now.
l suppose it's too late to get
Andrea Stavros to help me.
On the contrary.
l think you'll find him waiting
for you in your hotel.
You think of everything.
l have to. lt's part of my job.
Thanks, Keith.
lt's my pleasure.
Nothing l like better
than a well-organized setup.
You'll want to know about the team.
Sydney, would you get us
some more coffee, please?
Franklin considers it the best team
in the business. l agree.
He himself is ideal for the job.
He's experienced and extremely capable.
Don't blush, Roy.
And best of all, he's lucky.
Aren't you lucky?
-lf you say so, sir.
-l do, indeed.
Napoleon said once, when somebody
was up for promotion to general...
...''Yes, l know he's brilliant.
But is he lucky?''
The emperor knew the value of luck.
Our Roy seems to have it.
-Then make me a general, sir.
-Patience, my dear boy, patience.
Now this is our Corporal Miller.
A chemistry professor in private life.
An absolute genius
with high explosives.
He blew up Rommel's headquarters with
no damage to the orphanage next door.
They don't come any better. We tried
to make him an officer. He refused.
This is '' Butcher'' Brown,
our mechanical marvel.
He's a genius with engines,
machinery, radios, et cetera.
And the best man
with a knife l've ever met.
He got his training in Spain. The boys
call him the Butcher of Barcelona.