There's always some way
to blow up explosives.
The trick is not to be around
when they go off.
But aren't you forgetting
something, captain?
The lady.
As l see it,
we have three choices:
One, we can leave her here.
But she might be found.
And in her case
they won't need a truth drug.
Two, we take her with us.
But that makes things more difficult.
And three....
Well, that's Andrea's choice.
You really want
your pound of flesh.
Yes, l do.
l just couldn't manage to get
to sleep last night.
-lf you're anxious to kill her, do it!
-l'm not anxious to kill her.
l'm not anxious to kill anyone.
See, l'm not a born soldier.
l got trapped.
You may find me facetious...
...but if l didn't make some bad jokes,
l'd go out of my mind.
No, l prefer
to leave the killing to you.
An officer and a gentleman.
A leader of men, a hero.
lf you think l enjoy this, you're mad!
l never wanted it.
l was trapped like you,
or anybody in uniform.
You wanted it.
You're an officer, aren't you?
l'll never want the responsibility
of an officer.
Then you've had a free ride
all this time.
Someone's got to be responsible.
Do you think it's easy?
l don't know!
l'm beginning to wonder who is
responsible to do the dirty work.
ls the man who gives the orders guilty,
or the one who has to do it?
-We've no time for this.
-Now just a minute!
lf we're gonna get this job done,
she has got to be killed!
And we all know how keen you are
on getting the job done.
l've never killed a woman before,
traitor or not...
...and l'm finicky.
So why don't you do it?
Why don't you let us off for once?