lt's knee-deep in the hold,
but l think we'll manage.
You want a breather?
Wouldn't mind.
Funny the way that German officer
spoke English to us back there...
...almost as if he knew who we were.
l had the same thought.
l think our friend Baker
may have some explaining to do.
l shouldn't have done it.
What's that?
Dragged you into this.
l'm sorry.
Forget it. l was getting tired
of Crete food anyway.
No, l'm stupid sometimes.
Even as a kid, l'd expect
people to play the games l liked.
Then l'd get furious when they didn't.
Well, now they have to, so why worry?
Hot coffee!
That's good.
l'm sorry, captain.
There's a serious shortage of cups
aboard this ship.
l pointed out deficiencies
in this vessel.
l remember.
-My pleasure.
Any time you want another chat,
about this boat, l mean, l'm available.
All right.