Town Without Pity

You speak as if something has happened
to make you change your plans. Has it?

Everything is different now.
Frank...he might feel ashamed of me.
Tell me, Fraulein....
That's all right.
No further questions.
No questions.
But I reserve right
to call witness back at another time.

You're excused.
Thank you.
Since when hasn't the press
the right to interview prisoners?

-The prosecution has no objection.
-The defense does have objections.

Get the boys together for me, will you?
-I'll take Larkin first.
-Yes, sir.

-Don't forget the coffee.
-Yes, sir.

Actually, for the purpose of my story,
you'll do, Major.

Do you still think
you're going to beat the death sentence?

-I think so.
-What makes you so sure?

Three reasons:
first, because all witnesses lie a little.

Second, because age hates youth,
and ugliness hates beauty.

But third,
because there's no way of measuring...

...the incomparable nastiness
of the human mind.

If you'll excuse me, Miss Globus....
Miss Körner, I've got work to do.

Maj. Garrett,
could you come quickly, please?

I knew this guy belonged in a booby hatch.
