-The prosecution has no objection.
-The defense does have objections.
Get the boys together for me, will you?
-I'll take Larkin first.
-Yes, sir.
-Don't forget the coffee.
-Yes, sir.
Actually, for the purpose of my story,
you'll do, Major.
Do you still think
you're going to beat the death sentence?
-I think so.
-What makes you so sure?
Three reasons:
first, because all witnesses lie a little.
Second, because age hates youth,
and ugliness hates beauty.
But third,
because there's no way of measuring...
...the incomparable nastiness
of the human mind.
If you'll excuse me, Miss Globus....
Miss Körner, I've got work to do.
Maj. Garrett,
could you come quickly, please?
I knew this guy belonged in a booby hatch.
-Is he all right?
-He's more scared than he is hurt.
Let's get him on the cot.
Here I am beating my brains out for you,
you try to sneak out the back door.
I'm sorry. I promise I won't try it again.
I promise you won't get the chance.
Keep a 24-hour watch on him.
Yes, sir.
Hello, Trude.
Here it is. Don't say where it came from
or Frieda will be out of a job.
Good girl. I owe you a dinner for this.
Are they really going to hang them?
Why don't you do something?
-What do you suggest?
-Nail that Steinhof kid.
You had her
and didn't ask her one question.