Une femme est une femme

She rushes to the first guy's place.
The letter hasn't arrived yet.
So she says, ''Darling,
you'll get an express letter.

Don't believe what's in it.''
So she has to explain everything.
In the end,
he throws her out
when he learns she's got another guy.
So she thinks,
''I've lost one,
but I still have the other one.''

She rushes across town
to see the second guy.

But he's received her letter.
The guy doesn't seem at all upset.
On the contrary.
She says, ''You're so sweet.
You forgive me.''

He's surprised but keeps quiet.
She tells him the story,

thinking he wants
to humiliate her first.

Then, suddenly,
he throws her out, too,

as he shows her his letter.
And she realizes
she hadn't mixed up the envelopes.
And then?
She was a bit like you.

Me? Not on your life.
I don't mean the story.
But... I dunno...
the personality.
Always getting things wrong.
No kidding.
Why're you looking at me that way?
Because I love you.
Come off it.
I do.
I didn't sleep last night.
I realized that.
- All by yourself?
- Of course.

It's not true.
Does that bother you?
