- Now shut that!
- Our Charles is coming, Dad.
I don't care who's coming,
go back and shut it.
Shut the gate.
Shut it.
I shut it. I shut the gate, Dad.
He shut it, Dad.
- What have you been up to, then?
- Nothing.
- Do you want any help, Dad?
- No, I don't need your help.
Come here.
What have you got under your coat?
- Me pully.
- I don't mean that.
You know what I mean and don't
be so clever. What is it?
Something I found.
Are you sure I can't help you, Dad?
Go on, get on.
You don't go far, I've your tea ready.
Yes, Auntie.
Did he ask you? What d'you tell him?
- Nothing.
- Did you tell him a lie?
- I told him nothing.
- Come on, then, quick.