Come here.
What have you got under your coat?
- Me pully.
- I don't mean that.
You know what I mean and don't
be so clever. What is it?
Something I found.
Are you sure I can't help you, Dad?
Go on, get on.
You don't go far, I've your tea ready.
Yes, Auntie.
Did he ask you? What d'you tell him?
- Nothing.
- Did you tell him a lie?
- I told him nothing.
- Come on, then, quick.
- Have you been at my traps again?
- No, we haven't, see.
No, well you'd better not
else I'll tell your dad, then you'll cop it.
- Cost me good money, them traps.
- We haven't been near your rotten traps.
And I'll tell me dad
that you pinch his paraffin.
Close it.
Hurry up or we'll get old trap face in here.
Let's find a place to put them.
Over there.
We'll find you a place.
Ooh, the box.
Put some stuffing in.
Right, come on, then.
There, that's a good... Come on.
Yours looks poorly.
I think it wants its mother.
- Do you want your mother?
- Shut up, yours wants...