Whistle Down the Wind

- What do you lot want, then?
- We've come to see Him.

- Who?
- Jesus.

Yes, Jesus.
Well, you can't, see.
Yes we can, then.
He's not your private property.

Everyone can see Him if they want.
if I tell you,
if I let you see Him,
it's got to be a secret.
You've got to promise.
It's got to be a secret society
from the grown-ups.

Do you promise?
Because if you don't,
they'll come and take Him away again,
like last time.

Do you understand?
You can't come past our house
for a start. You'll have to go right round.

Our Nan and our Charles'll take you.
You're not to make any noise
and you have to wait for me.

Do you understand? Come on.
- Do you want to see Jesus or don't you?
- Yes.

Well, shut up, then.
Here are your groceries, Auntie.
I'm just out to play.

Mind you don't get yourself
all mucked up.
