You can't come past our house
for a start. You'll have to go right round.
Our Nan and our Charles'll take you.
You're not to make any noise
and you have to wait for me.
Do you understand? Come on.
- Do you want to see Jesus or don't you?
- Yes.
Well, shut up, then.
Here are your groceries, Auntie.
I'm just out to play.
Mind you don't get yourself
all mucked up.
You're all to wait here until I say.
And keep back out of sight.
Nan, give me the stuff.
Keep back.
I brought you these, like I promised.
Oh, your leg.
If you want to, you could get me
some water and a bit of cloth.
Yes, sir. I'll send our Charles.
- Charles?
- Me little brother.
Oh, yeah.
Who else knows I'm here?
Only Charles and me sister, Nan,
and the other children.