Wild in the Country

Here's one
that's a little short.

Watch this, boy.
[ Spits ] Mmm, good stuff.
You gotta give 'em all
a square measure.

There. Now.
All set to go.

Suppose it's Johnson and Ter.
They'll order under their own label.
That's Shenandoah Elixir.

That's this one right here.
Mine's Old Seminole Tonic.
Sold in every state in Dixie.

Salem Drugs, they'll order under
their own label too. That's on the end.

- It's all the same stuff?
- Yeah, all the same,
'cept for the labels and color.

Eighty-seven percent aqua pure,
thirteen percent grain alcohol.

Some folks won't want a label at all.
Just walk in off the street,
buy a few at a time.

[ Laughing ]
Well, that's it, boy.

- Are these the ones to be shipped?
- Yep, first thing tomorrow.

Here's the keys
to the pickup truck.


You'll be comfortable in here, Glenn.
Had it fixed up special.

Clean, dry, healthy.
You even got your own
private entrance.

Better than I ever had
when I was a boy your age.

I plan to put you in
a shower right over yonder.

[ Inhales ] I do love
the smell of this place.

D cardboard, alcohol, herbs.
Also money. It just rolls in.
- That's a good smell too.
- About my pay, Uncle Rolfe.

- Okay to ask?
- Pa, supper's ready.

Fine, Norrie.
Hope you made plenty.

Got a good young appetite
in the house now.
