- Are these the ones to be shipped?
- Yep, first thing tomorrow.
Here's the keys
to the pickup truck.
You'll be comfortable in here, Glenn.
Had it fixed up special.
Clean, dry, healthy.
You even got your own
private entrance.
Better than I ever had
when I was a boy your age.
I plan to put you in
a shower right over yonder.
[ Inhales ] I do love
the smell of this place.
D cardboard, alcohol, herbs.
Also money. It just rolls in.
- That's a good smell too.
- About my pay, Uncle Rolfe.
- Okay to ask?
- Pa, supper's ready.
Fine, Norrie.
Hope you made plenty.
Got a good young appetite
in the house now.
Come and get it, Glenn,
before she throws it out.
Excuse me.
- Mighty nice chandelier.
Set me back a pretty penny too.
- [ Baby Crying ]
- But cheap at the price.
Sit down, Glenn.
- All right.
Yeah, mighty nice chandelier.
Bought it off the old Johnson place.
- Renaissance style, they call it.
- Yes, mighty nice.
Always spend your money
with a purpose, boy.
You'll usually find my advice
is worth the heedin'.
You got good Braxton blood in ya.