and set her on the porch
in a rocking chair...
and let her watch
the seasons come and go.
From springtime till snow,
she could relish it all.
White lilacs...
early rhubarb.
That's the quiet
sort of thing she liked.
She could read too.
Read fine books.
But there was never the time.
"Oh, dear, this is undone
and that's undone."
And, "Glenn, where's
my mind gone nowadays?"
She said I'd go to college too.
Now there's a laugh.
She was bugged on learning, ma'am.
And then,just before
my ninth birthday...
she died and left me.
Her death was a quick one.
Did you want
to go to college, Glenn?
If you don't mind, ma'am,
the heart's out of it, and I'll leave.
Could I come back
another time?
Oh, of course.
Monday, around noon?
Yes, ma'am.