And then,just before
my ninth birthday...
she died and left me.
Her death was a quick one.
Did you want
to go to college, Glenn?
If you don't mind, ma'am,
the heart's out of it, and I'll leave.
Could I come back
another time?
Oh, of course.
Monday, around noon?
Yes, ma'am.
Quittin' time, Glenn.
Saturday night.
Here's your pay.
There you are.
Well, what's on your mind--
high jinks?
Too tired. Unseasonable weather.
When you gonna put that shower in?
Until I do, why don't you use
the bath upstairs?
- Could I?
- I should say you can.
Any boy works the way you do
deserves the best.
You know, Glenn,
I knowed you wasn't lazy.
Too much snap in the eyes.