Wild in the Country

Well, how do I look?
Kinda frisky for a widow.
-Glenn, it's a dream. It's a real dream.
-[ Baby Fusses ]

- Maybe it's a nightmare.
How do you know?
- Shh. Yes, baby.

We better take the back roads.
They'll be after us before long.

- No, they won't. Pa can't do a thing.
- What do you mean, they won't?

- [ Gibberish To Baby ]
That's the old tax-dodge money we took.
- It is?

I would give my eyeteeth to see his face
when he reads that note.

- [ Laughs ]
- [ Gurgles ]

**[ Rock ]
- What are we stoppin' here for, Glenn?
- I'll be back in a minute.

Just hang on.
- You seen Cliff Macy?
- Sure. He's inside.

- I wanna talk to you.
- Well, if it isn't Tyler,
the great lover.

- Who you got in the truck--
Lady Speery?
- Don't you talk about her.

- I said I don't want you
talkin' about her!
- She's a pushover.

Ask my father.
Ask anybody!

- Come on, Dace.
- [ Girls Giggling ]

What is it? Drunk?
- Get some water, quick!
- It was a fight.
