She has no manners
It's stupid to pay twenty-five ryo
to a nobody. He might run off
He won't have time; I'm attacking
at once
He got three of Ushi-Tora's men;
they're terrified
We'II win with him Ieading us
But then we'II have to pay him the
other twenty-five ryo
We'd save the whoIe fifty if
we couId kiII him
A dirty trick
Shut up. You're our heir, don't
forget it. Behave Iike a gambIer
You can't get rich unIess you're
known to be a cheat and a kiIIer
You kiII the samurai
KiII him from behind, it'II be easy
You must kiII a few, or the men
won't respect you
But I kiIIed one of Ushi-Tora's men
One is nothing to boast about
What are you afraid of?
One or a hundred, you onIy hang once