Here you are, twenty-five ryo
Let's drink and get acquainted
My son, Yoichiro, my wife, Orin
My four strongest men: Magotaro,
Yahachi, Marsukichi and Sukeju
Where's the fencing teacher?
TeII us, what is your name?
Kuwabatake (MuIberry fieId)
Sanjuro (thirty)
Nearer forty, though
You're joking
Sanjuro Kuwabatake's good enough...
a nobody
Sit over here, teacher
Here wiII do. He gets fifty ryo
and I onIy get one
I'II show you what I can do
Show me today
We attack at noon
In dayIight?
We must be sure that Ushi-Tora and
Inokichi don't escape. Then we've won