- Professional?
- Photographer?
Didn`t a photographer write to the lndian?
- From a zoo in Switzerland.
- Basle, wasn`t it?
Yeah, but...
that was signed by a man, l think.
Well, go get the letter!
Sean, what does he mean,
``your room-mate``?
- The girl in my bed last night.
- Sean!
l didn`t know her!
- What was she doing in your bed?
- l don`t know.
Here it is. lt`s signed on the bottom.
A M D`Aless...
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
l don`t think l have met everybody.
We`d better introduce ourselves.
They call me Pockets.
They tell me we met last night.
l remember you. Who wears
the other half of your pyjamas?
l do. My name is Kurt Mueller.
l know you. l covered the Le Mans race
three years ago.
You should have won.
That crash... Too bad.
l don`t know... He walked away from it.
l`m Luis Francisco García López.
l don`t wear pyjamas.
And this is our boss,
Miss Delacourt. We call her Brandy.
How do you do?
l`m not really their boss.
They were my father`s friends.
Now we all work together.
l know of your father.
One doesn`t work at the zoo long
without hearing of Frenchy Delacourt.
Kurt, Luis, will you help me
to check the motor on the truck?
Yes, boss.
- Will you have some breakfast?
- Thank you. Just coffee.
- Just coffee. Codfish cakes?
- No, thank you.
Miss... D`Alessander?
- D`Alessandro. ``Dallas`` is easier.
- Thank you.
- Did you sign this letter?
- Yes, of course. Why?
Because A M D`Alessandro
sounds like a man.
You mean because l`m a girl,
l can`t do the job?
l mean we`ve got trouble enough.