The outfit I came from was a real dilly.
There was a general, a major,
two captains, two lieutenants and me.
- There's a squad for you, buddy-o.
- Sounds like a court martial board.
- Thought you hadn't read my papers.
- You were a master sergeant.
That's what makes a good soldier.
You are very observant.
Let's call it a night, buddy.
One for the road.
The long road home.
I guess you'd rather
be going back into combat.
Like I said,
you haven't changed much.
Finish your drink and let's get back.
Sometimes the brass spreads
a false rumour, so there won't be a leak.
Keep this to yourself until we move out.
We're not going home.
We're going back on the line.
Back to the line.
- Yes, Captain.
- Was that man in town?
- Yes, sir.
- I want him on report. Name?