And it goes straight across
to the Nazi lines.
Let's find out what it's hooked up to.
Here it is, down here.
It goes right into the pillbox. Come on.
- I can't see a thing in here.
- Let me get this lamp lit.
That's better.
Here it is.
- What the hell is...?
- Shh!
- That was a German mike.
- They got us bugged?
They must've planted it
during a back-and-forth action.
Right spot, next to the field telephone.
- I don't call that very cricket!
- You got the gift of the gab.
Go back in there and make
like you're talking to Command.
- What Command?
- Fake it.
I'll try to spare somebody
to relieve you.
Yeah. OK, Sarge.
Temple...Red to Able Six.
Temple Red to Able Six, come over.
Able Six? Temple Red here, over.
Yes, sir. The entire patrol
came back safe and sound.