- That was a German mike.
- They got us bugged?
They must've planted it
during a back-and-forth action.
Right spot, next to the field telephone.
- I don't call that very cricket!
- You got the gift of the gab.
Go back in there and make
like you're talking to Command.
- What Command?
- Fake it.
I'll try to spare somebody
to relieve you.
Yeah. OK, Sarge.
Temple...Red to Able Six.
Temple Red to Able Six, come over.
Able Six? Temple Red here, over.
Yes, sir. The entire patrol
came back safe and sound.
The activities of the patrol
were quite successful.
Although we took no prisoners,
we know all the enemy positions.
That's right, we know exactly
where they are.
Yes, sir.
Sergeant Larkin says I'm to relieve you.
I'll call you back, sir. Over.
- There's a German mike in there.
- There is?
Don't say anything
you don't want them to hear.
I'd just as soon
they didn't hear anything at all.
You know, Driscoll, you're a lucky guy.
This is the safest place
on the whole ridge.
- It is?
- Yeah. Go in and fake some reports.
- What kind of reports?
- You've never heard them?