these rings are much too small.
I thought maybe
if I bunched them up...
Look, Maman...
Oh, Maman, what's the use?
Whom am I ever
gonna get a chance to cook for?
Do you realize that nobody's
asked me to marry them in a week?
Your fire is much too high.
Let it simmer,
and the lumps will work out.
You, Chantal, must simmer also.
You can turn the fire out under me.
I'm finished.
Oh, now.
Greetings, greetings,
You're early.
Mm, yes, I guess I am.
Hello, Father.
Evening, Mr. Stacy.
Good evening.
This old barn's gonna fall down
around our ears one day.
Something is up.
What makes you say that?
Chouchou, you must always
observe your man closely.
The male animal
discloses very little audibly.
Now, one, my man did not have
the evening Boston Globe...
a serious break in routine.
Two, he said he guessed
he was home early.
Your father always knows exactly
what time of day it is.
Three, I have a rack of lamb
in the oven... his favorite...
and he didn't even smell it.
Now, four... and most important...
he criticized this house.
Oh, yes, something
is most definitely up.
Your fire is anything but out.
What took you so long?
Mm. Now I'm sure.
You never kiss me like that
before dark.
What is it? How would you
like to live in New York?