If a Man Answers

I want Charlotte to get married,
but to a man with principles.

Men develop appetites
when they are 12,

muscles when they are 16...
and principles
only after they are married.

Being married
is the nicest thing to be.

Maybe so, but I'm not ready
to make the compromise yet,

and he most certainly isn't.
Marriage is not a compromise.
It is a challenge,

a challenge you should be
ready to accept.

A challenge?

It takes a clever woman
to make a good husband.

That's why
there are so few of them.

It is not difficult
to keep a man interested for one evening,

but could you keep one interested
day after day...

and all through the nights?
Mm. I'd like to try.

But he said marriage is an institution
sponsored by women for women...

and that he was never
gonna get married.

His father, Adam Wright, thinks
he's some kind of a merry widower.

And Eugene thinks it's just great how
daddy makes out with all the young girls.

He wants to be just like him...
a... dirty old man.

Um, the father is still alive?
Hmm! And pinching.

Well, perhaps you should save
yourself for... "the dirty old man."

Maman, be serious.
I like him very much.

Don't make wrinkles, chouchou.
Well, I know it immodest
for me to say it,

but your maman is a genius
at this kind of thing.

Your father came to Paris
for one week to import antiques.

He had one book of traveler's checks,
two changes of pajamas.

He used all the checks,
none of the pajamas.

And the only thing he imported was moi.
Now rest assured, little chicken,
the boy has not a chance.

Marriage is our institution,
and we're not going
out of business.

Just my luck she's gotta be nuts.
