Um, the father is still alive?
Hmm! And pinching.
Well, perhaps you should save
yourself for... "the dirty old man."
Maman, be serious.
I like him very much.
Don't make wrinkles, chouchou.
Well, I know it immodest
for me to say it,
but your maman is a genius
at this kind of thing.
Your father came to Paris
for one week to import antiques.
He had one book of traveler's checks,
two changes of pajamas.
He used all the checks,
none of the pajamas.
And the only thing he imported was moi.
Now rest assured, little chicken,
the boy has not a chance.
Marriage is our institution,
and we're not going
out of business.
Just my luck she's gotta be nuts.
And just what do you think
you're doing?
No guesswork involved.
Won't you come in?
Lobster crème canapé
to start with.
Good-bye, Miss Stacy. Do
you have plans for dinner?
Good-bye, Miss Stacy. Do
you like veal printanier?
I have given up eating,
Miss Stacy.
Good. Veal printanier's just the dish
to perk up one's appetite.
Still, maybe we ought to forget
the brandy chestnut soufflé.
Well, that is if you're
really not famished.
What'd you have for lunch?
I didn't have lunch, Miss Stacy.
Oh, then by all means
the brandy chestnut soufflé.
And dumplings for the veal.
Maman suggested
the potage Crécy.
What a tragic waste of good food.
Oh? You changed your plans?
Your telephone service said that
you'd be in the darkroom all day, but,
well, that you would be home
this evening.
The information is correct,
but limited.
They failed to report
whether I'd be home alone...