Just got a fresh shipment in yesterday.
- Your name is Grogan?
- That's just possible.
- Who are you?
- O'Grady, Self Reliant Finance Company.
- Home office.
- Home office.
Do I have to have you fellows climbing
my back every day for a lousy $150?
I'm giving you the message, Mr. Grogan,
direct from the district manager.
Now, just a minute.
You're a big man, O'Grady. I'll tell you what.
I'll flip you, double or nothing.
We don't do it that way, Mr. Grogan.
Either you get up the dough,
or it's strictly heel and toe.
A poet, yet.
Look, George,
you couldn't have driven around in back?
This is where I always stop
when I make a delivery, Mr. Grogan.
You never complained before.
I never came back from the village
like a sack of potatoes before.
What happened to the convertible?
I loaned it to an Arab.
He was on his way to a picnic,
and his camel had trouble with its valves.
When I ask a simple question, I don't expect
I should have to listen to your lousy jokes.
What's the matter with you?
I got nobody to work out with my boy
this afternoon. That's one thing the matter...
That's because you're too cheap
to pay more than $5 a round.
And your boy thinks every workout is a war.
Here he is. You wait here.
Let me speak to him first.
Thank you.
What's with the soldier?
Who asked for a parade?
Not so loud, honey, please.
He just stopped by to see you.
- Yeah? And what's his angle?
- It isn't like that.
He's just looking for a job, that's all.
I gathered from what he told me,
he's some kind of an automobile specialist.
- A mechanic.
- A what?