Look, George,
you couldn't have driven around in back?
This is where I always stop
when I make a delivery, Mr. Grogan.
You never complained before.
I never came back from the village
like a sack of potatoes before.
What happened to the convertible?
I loaned it to an Arab.
He was on his way to a picnic,
and his camel had trouble with its valves.
When I ask a simple question, I don't expect
I should have to listen to your lousy jokes.
What's the matter with you?
I got nobody to work out with my boy
this afternoon. That's one thing the matter...
That's because you're too cheap
to pay more than $5 a round.
And your boy thinks every workout is a war.
Here he is. You wait here.
Let me speak to him first.
Thank you.
What's with the soldier?
Who asked for a parade?
Not so loud, honey, please.
He just stopped by to see you.
- Yeah? And what's his angle?
- It isn't like that.
He's just looking for a job, that's all.
I gathered from what he told me,
he's some kind of an automobile specialist.
- A mechanic.
- A what?
You heard me, a mechanic.
Now, all I want you to do
is brush him off lightly.
Willy, this is Walter Gulick.
- Pleased to meet you, sir.
- I explained to Walter that...
there mightn't be anything available
in his line, especially at this time of year.
That's about it, soldier.
What I mean is, well, nobody ever
called Cream Valley a little Detroit.
I understand what you mean, sir.
About the only job open around here
is a sparring partner for this man's tiger.
- Well, he's the right size, ain't he?
- Oh, lay off, Howie.
For somebody without experience...
the kid could save himself time and trouble
by stepping in front of a train.
I've had experience, Mr. Grogan.
I did a lot of boxing in the army.
Now, wait a minute.
Mercy killings aren't allowed, not even here.
Why didn't you say you wanted
to be a fighter?
Well, it's not that I want to be a fighter,
it's just...
I've had experience,
and I could use the money.
I'm only in position to pay you
$5 a round, sonny.
- I'll take it.
- That's a deal.