Mondo cane

This is the funeral
of a rich Chinese

in a temple of
the city of Macao.

Friends are bringing food
to his altar,

so he can nourish himself
during his long trip.

Then they bow before
the mourning family.

ln a corner,
a woman burns his money,

which, only this way,
will be able to follow him

and preserve for him,
in heaven, what to every

Chinese is the utmost good
of this life and the other:

The heirs attend in tears
the sad ceremony.

Not only here in Singapore,
but in all Malaysia,

the Chinese represent over
a third of the population.

Never tired to figure out
a thousand ways of making money,

they are nonetheless famous
for their physical laziness.

They don't swim, run,
jump, or play soccer.

As the Chinese
don't waste their money,

likewise, they don't waste
their energies,

which they prefer
to use around the table

or in bed.
Between snacks, the Chinese
find the time to fill

their houses with children,
legitimate and illegitimate.
