Mondo cane

Not only here in Singapore,
but in all Malaysia,

the Chinese represent over
a third of the population.

Never tired to figure out
a thousand ways of making money,

they are nonetheless famous
for their physical laziness.

They don't swim, run,
jump, or play soccer.

As the Chinese
don't waste their money,

likewise, they don't waste
their energies,

which they prefer
to use around the table

or in bed.
Between snacks, the Chinese
find the time to fill

their houses with children,
legitimate and illegitimate.

This guarantees a big bunch
of birthdays to celebrate

with abundant meals.
The Chinese celebrate
everything by eating:

Religious and national
holidays, business,

a competitor's failure,
an averted danger, births,
and even death.
Here we're not allowed
to photograph.

We had to force
the situation to show you

Singapore's ''home of the dead''.
All the terminally ill
end up dwelling here,

in this tragic hotel
for the dying.

The Chinese homes,
full with children,

have no place for them.
Down the streets,
their relatives,

relaxed and confident,
wait for their funeral.
