to handle all the jams
his children get themselves into.
Sailing date: June 2.
Remember lastJune, Peggy?
I called you from the office
that it was all set for a month's vacation?
Well, what I had in mind, darn it...
was a month off
just for you and me.
Just a couple of old smoothies
on the loose again...
communicating with nobody but each other
and an occasional deck steward.
- I can't see.
- Good evening.
Oh, hello. Would you mind
moving over a little bit, please?
How would you like to spend next month
on a real Western dude ranch?
- No, thanks.
- That's what you think, buster.
Will you listenWill you listen
for just one minute, darling?
Ah, hang up, Mother. Tell 'em Father's
home drunk and needs looking after.
- It's Katey, long distance.
- Well, what's Nothing wrong, is there?
Oh, you bet there is.
She doesn't want to go to Emerald Bay.
It is not stupid, Katey, and I must say
that it's not very bright of you...
to keep describing every place in the worid
that's not Paris as stupid.
Now Now, will you listen to me
for one second?
Paris? Wh-What about Paris?
Oh, she and three other giris out of her class
have cooked up some crazy notion...
of gallivanting all over Europe
this summer.
But how in the worid
are you going to pay for it, Katey?
Yeah, I'd sort of be interested
in the answer to that one myself.
Oh, no, darling.
You can lend it to her, and she'll pay it back
weekly out of her allowance, with interest.
By golly, you really got to hand it
to the kid for trying, don't you?
- How much interest?
- Mother!
Mother. Mother!
Positively weird, both of them.
You should see my mother.
Absolutely weird!
I have never seen anybody
as weird as my mother.