Ah, hang up, Mother. Tell 'em Father's
home drunk and needs looking after.
- It's Katey, long distance.
- Well, what's Nothing wrong, is there?
Oh, you bet there is.
She doesn't want to go to Emerald Bay.
It is not stupid, Katey, and I must say
that it's not very bright of you...
to keep describing every place in the worid
that's not Paris as stupid.
Now Now, will you listen to me
for one second?
Paris? Wh-What about Paris?
Oh, she and three other giris out of her class
have cooked up some crazy notion...
of gallivanting all over Europe
this summer.
But how in the worid
are you going to pay for it, Katey?
Yeah, I'd sort of be interested
in the answer to that one myself.
Oh, no, darling.
You can lend it to her, and she'll pay it back
weekly out of her allowance, with interest.
By golly, you really got to hand it
to the kid for trying, don't you?
- How much interest?
- Mother!
Mother. Mother!
Positively weird, both of them.
You should see my mother.
Absolutely weird!
I have never seen anybody
as weird as my mother.
They're all... so insecure.
- That's right.
- Mother? Now, really, I can't
I'm sorry, darling, but it's out of the question,
and that's all there is to it.
I have to hang up now because
we have a call coming in from Susie.
- Hugs and kisses, darling. Bye now.
- Mom!
- She hung up.
- How weird.
Oh, they're weird, I'll tell you.
Positively weird.
Well, what's this
Emerald Bay business?
Well, the Nickersons are letting us
have their beach house there for August.
- It's right on the water,
just south of San Francisco.
- You mean for the children?
For all of us.
It's big enough for the whole family.
- Wait a minute, honey. Just waitwait
- Oh, I know, I know.
This is the chance of a lifetime for
an old-fashioned family get-together...
and we mustn't be selfish about it.
But, honey,
that wasn't the idea at all.
Do you realize that this may be the last time
we'll ever be all together again?
That's what you say every time,
and I admit it's a very attractive prospect.
Oh, Rog, the way you talk, people would
think that you don't love your children.
Oh, I love 'em dearly,
just from different distances.