The "D-ducks."
The way they say it's not "D-ductible"
to take a girl out for dinner anymore.
- Oh, I see.
- Oh, Tolstoy's War and Peace.
- Uh, Tennessee Tolstoy.
- I remember.
I was trying to read it myself.
With all these Russian names,
I just couldn't tell the men from the women.
Well, it does call for
quite a bit of concentration.
- Where is it?
- Where is what?
- Your bank.
- Oh! St. Louis, Missouri.
This place is simply filthy
with people from St. Louis.
You will have a lot of fun
seeing them.
As a matter of fact, we came out here
to get away from them for a while.
- You know, you are real sharp for a banker.
- Oh, thank you.
- Marika.
- Uh, Roger.
- And over.
- No, that's my name. Roger.
Oh, really? Is it a big one?
- Is what a big one?
- Like National or something?
Oh, yes. Biggest in St. Louis.
Oh, boy.
What a ball you must have.
Wait a minute. You know
I don't exactly own the contents.
I didn't mean
you were taking it, darling.
- Well, l
- You're just being in there, with it!
Yes. Yes.
- Is, uh, Mrs. Hobbs up here with you?
- Yes, yes.
And the children.
Two of them, that is.
- The others will be along in a few days.
- What others?
Well, our two older daughters
and their children.
- You mean, you have got grandchildren?
- Babies, of course.
Well, let me know
how that thing comes out...
if you think of it.
- Oh, Rog!
- Yeah?
Will you come here a minute?
That's a grandma?
36-26-36 and still operating.
- You stay right here. I'll be back.
- Uh, listen.
How 'bout the rest
of the St. Louis crowd?
Couldn't we sort of all have
a little get-together here someday...
like a bathing suit party?
- You sure you don't mind
if they're not all bankers?
- Of course not.
- I like depositors too.
- Oh?
Yes, dear?
- Who's the belly dancer?
- Well, what do you mean, belly dancer?
- She's just a big kid.
- Uh-huh.