- Is, uh, Mrs. Hobbs up here with you?
- Yes, yes.
And the children.
Two of them, that is.
- The others will be along in a few days.
- What others?
Well, our two older daughters
and their children.
- You mean, you have got grandchildren?
- Babies, of course.
Well, let me know
how that thing comes out...
if you think of it.
- Oh, Rog!
- Yeah?
Will you come here a minute?
That's a grandma?
36-26-36 and still operating.
- You stay right here. I'll be back.
- Uh, listen.
How 'bout the rest
of the St. Louis crowd?
Couldn't we sort of all have
a little get-together here someday...
like a bathing suit party?
- You sure you don't mind
if they're not all bankers?
- Of course not.
- I like depositors too.
- Oh?
Yes, dear?
- Who's the belly dancer?
- Well, what do you mean, belly dancer?
- She's just a big kid.
- Uh-huh.
That was Humbert Humbert's first report
on Little Goody Two Shoes, wasn't it?
All right, all right.
Well, what's out of order now?
- Brenda's leaving.
- Already?
Come with me.
Turn on the water.
The hot water.
She got it right in the kisser.
That was the last straw.
You—You wouldn't want
to try it just one more night?
One more night, I "tank" I go crazy!
Too quiet, like graveyard.
But everybody told me
it was just like Finland around here.