
All three unavailable
on this particular day -

what a very odd coincidence.
Most curious.
- He's up to something.
- Clearly so.

Hikokuro was the one
who first insisted

that Motome Chijiiwa
be forced to go through with harakiri.

Yazaki was the one
who discovered his blades were bamboo
and insisted he be forced to use them,

and Kawabe was quick to agree.
That's why I urged that he at least
be spared the bamboo blade.

- Of what good is that now?
- Indeed, sire.

But how shall we deal with him?
I doubt he intends
to meekly disembowel himself.

He obviously has something
up his sleeve.

Whatever it is...
he won't get away with it.
We'll force his hand
and make him commit harakiri.

In fact, if he refuses,
we'll descend upon him in force
and cut him down.

What happens within the walls
of this compound...

is as secret as what happens
behind the walls of our castle back home.

One signal from me
and everyone will know what to do.

But I'm bothered
about Hikokuro and the other two.

I need to send someone
to find out more...
