He obviously has something
up his sleeve.
Whatever it is...
he won't get away with it.
We'll force his hand
and make him commit harakiri.
In fact, if he refuses,
we'll descend upon him in force
and cut him down.
What happens within the walls
of this compound...
is as secret as what happens
behind the walls of our castle back home.
One signal from me
and everyone will know what to do.
But I'm bothered
about Hikokuro and the other two.
I need to send someone
to find out more...
and under the circumstances,
I'd like you to personally hurry
and find out the real story.
Master Tsugumo...
summer days are long,
but the hour advances.
I must ask you to proceed
without further delay.
But, Counselor,
the ritual cannot take place
without a second.
I understand your concern,
but I've discussed the matter
with my senior colleagues.
With all three men of your choice ailing,
we cannot accommodate your wishes.
You will have to accept our selection.
Ichiro Shinmen!
I command you to serve
as second for Master Tsugumo.