The Magic Sword

It feels like a part of my own body.
- I feel stronger.
- Of course.

Now come along. It pleases me
to show you something else tonight.

Who are they?
Once, the six most valiant knights
in the world.

- That's real black magic, Mother.
- I wish I could take the credit.

I've never been as good as that.
No, it was my brother.

You like Ascalon, George?
It's just great.
- Did the sword do that?
- Certainly.

One touch of the blade, and it opens and
shuts floors, doors, walls, and portcullises.

It shuts things too, you say?
What's down there?
I haven't been down there in centuries.
It used to be
my brother's safe deposit box...

for spells, enchantments,
magic ritual, and the like.

Want to see?
Is there any other way out
if the crack were closed again?

Depends on how hard you work at it.
A cousin of mine took 80 years
to whomp up a spell...

that blew the roof off.
But don't be afraid.
We won't close the crack behind us.

I'm not afraid.
You go first, Mother.
- Coming, dear?
- Yes.

George, what have you done?
George, let me out!
