What's down there?
I haven't been down there in centuries.
It used to be
my brother's safe deposit box...
for spells, enchantments,
magic ritual, and the like.
Want to see?
Is there any other way out
if the crack were closed again?
Depends on how hard you work at it.
A cousin of mine took 80 years
to whomp up a spell...
that blew the roof off.
But don't be afraid.
We won't close the crack behind us.
I'm not afraid.
You go first, Mother.
- Coming, dear?
- Yes.
George, what have you done?
George, let me out!
- Goodbye, Mother.
- George, son, let me out this instant.
You can't leave me here.
I told you about my cousin.
I'll come back and let you out
after I've rescued the Princess Helene.
What if you can't come back?
With a magic armor, magic sword,
magic steed, what can stop me now?
You don't know Lodac, George. Let me out.
If I had six brave men like these,
I'd have nothing to fear.
you have been a long time to come.