Why is he the meanest man?
Well, for one thing...
he has a boy named Boo...
that he keeps chained to a bed
in the house over yonder.
Come on.
See? He lives over there.
Boo only comes out at night
when you're asleep and it's pitch-dark.
When you wake up at night,
you can hear him.
Once I heard him scratchin'
on our screen door...
but he was gone
by the time Atticus got there.
Wonder what he does in there.
- Wonder what he looks like.
- Well...
judgin' from his tracks,
he's about six and a halffeet tall.
He eats raw squirrels
and all the cats he can catch.
There's a long, jagged scar
that runs all the way across his face.
His teeth are yellow and rotten,
his eyes are popped...
and he drools most ofthe time.
I don't believe you.
- Dill, what are you doin' here?
- My Lord, Aunt Stephanie!
- You almost gave me a heart attack!
- I don't want you playing there.
There's a maniac lives there,
and he's dangerous.
I wasjust tryin' to warn him about Boo,
but he wouldn't believe me.
You just better believe him,
Mr Dill Harris.
Tell him how Boo
tried to kill his papa.
I was standin' in my yard one day
when his mama come out yellin'...
"He's killin' us all!"
Turned out that Boo was cuttin' up
the paper for his scrapbook...
and when his daddy come by,
he reached over with his scissors...
stabbed him in his leg, pulled them out
and went right on cuttin' the paper.
They wanted to send him to an asylum,
but his daddy said...
"No Radley's goin' to any asylum."
So they locked him up
in the basement ofthe courthouse...
till he nearly died ofthe damp,
and his daddy brought him back home.
There he is to this day,
sittin' over there with his scissors.