Now don't go tuggin' at that dress.
You wanna have it all wrinkled
before you even get to school?
I still don't see why
l have to wear a darn old dress.
- You'll get used to it.
- I'm ready!
It's half an hour
before school starts.
Sit back down
and wait for your sister.
- Hurry up!
- I'm tryin' to.
Come on! lt's your first day.
You wanna be late?
- I'm ready.
- Let's go!
Darn you, Walter Cunningham!
Cut that out!
What do you think you're doin'?
He made me start off
on the wrong foot!
I was tryin' to explain
to that darn lady teacher...
why he didn't have no money
for his lunch, and she got sore at me!
Stop it!
Your daddy Mr Walter Cunningham
from Old Sarum?
Come home and have dinner with us.
We'd be glad to have you.