Is that a bargain?
Therejust didn 'tseem to be...
anyone oranything
Atticus couldn 't explain.
Though it wasn 't a talent that would
arouse the admiration of ourfriends...
Jem and I had to admit
he was very good at that.
But that was all he was good at...
we thought.
See? There he is.
Come on inside.
Come on. Get in.
Mr Finch? This is Cal.
I swear to God, there's a mad dog
down the street a piece.
He's comin' this way!
There he is.
He's got it, all right, Mr Finch.
Stay inside, son.
Keep him in there, Cal.
He's within range, Heck.
- Take him, Mr Finch.
- No, Mr Tate.
- He can't shoot!
- Don't waste time.
For God's sake,
he's got to be killed right away.
Look where he is. I can't shoot
that well, and you know it.
- I haven't shot a gun in years.
- I'd feel mighty comfortable...
ifyou did now.