To Kill a Mockingbird

I'll send Zeebo out right away
to pick him up.

Can we go with you?
- Can we? Please?
- Huh? Can we?

No. I have to go to the country
on business, and you'll just get tired.

No, not me!
l won't get tired.

Well, promise to stay in the car
while I talk to Helen Robinson.

And not nag me about leavin'
ifyou do get tired.

All right. Climb in.
- Who's Helen Robinson?
- The wife ofthe man I'm defending.

- Good evening, David.
- Good evening.

- Good evening, Helen.
- Evening, Mr Finch.

I came over to tell you
about my visit with Tom.

- Yes, sir.
- And to let you know...

that I got a postponement
ofthe trial.
