It was to be a long time...
beforeJem andl
talkedabout Boo again.
andso didDill.
- Good mornin'!
- Good mornin'.
My, you're up
mighty bright and early.
- I been up since 4:00.
- 4:00?
Yes. I always get up at 4:00.
It's in my blood.
You see, my daddy was a railroad man
till he got rich.
Now he flies aeroplanes.
One ofthese days...
he'sjust gonna swoop
down here at Maycomb...
pick me up
and take me for a ride.
-Who's that in the car with the sheriff?
-Tom Robinson, son.
- Where's he been?
- In the Abbottsville Jail.
- Why?
- Sheriffthought he'd be safer there.
They're bringin' him
back here tonight...
because his trial is tomorrow.
- Good evenin', Heck.
- Good evenin', Mr Finch.
Come in.
News has gotten around that I brought
Tom Robinson back to the jail.
I heard there might be trouble
from that bunch out at Old Sarum.