approximately 600 miles an hour
as we begin our descent.
We hope you've had a pleasant flight.
But of course, you must
have a toast in champagne
your first moment in France.
At 6:00 in the morning,
l think l'd prefer orange juice.
Oh, darling, in Paris,
we only have orange juice
when there is a roast duck in it.
- You peasant.
- ln this country,
we've gotta rely on Miss Courbeau
and her buying office
to show us the ropes. Whatever she
says goes, especially champagne.
- My name is Felicienne, Mr. Bergner.
- Oh, beautiful.
Oh, garçon, champagne,
s'il vous plait.
- Certainement.
- Oh, Mr. Bergner, look. lsn't it lovely?
Say, that's a nice view over there.
Welcome to la belle France,
Mr. Bergner.
- And hang on to your gold teeth.
- Lina, you're jealous.
Why shouldn't l be? l worked
for that schmo for 1 5 years.
And he still thinks l'm just doing it
for the money.
Maybe l should have walked
into his office a long time ago
and said, ''Mr. Bergner,
we simply must have breakfast.
Prune Danish, quart of champagne.
A poached egg on mink.''
The only trouble with being
middle-aged is it lasts so long.
- Perhaps this will help, madam.
- Oh, thanks a lot.
This isn't exactly a pleasure trip.
lf you really wanna
know the truth, l'm in exile.
The boss' wife.
''Hot Lips'' Hannah?
- Monsieur?
- Scotch?
Well, they're drinking in New York.
Un Scotch et une 7 UP.
Harry, you ever feel
absolutely useless?
Every morning when l get out
of the shower.
l got a full-length mirror.